Harry Potter Bridge

Harry Potter Bridge
seen in the second movie; seen in real life by me

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Two old love poems I've had for a couple years.

To Love…

To love is to care
To love is to feel
To love is to laugh
To love is to cry
To love is to be happy
To love is to be sad
To love is to be joyful
To love is to be angry
To love is to be loved
To love is to be hated
To love is to give
To love is to receive
To love is to live
To love is forever.

Loving you

“How do I love thee?”
There is more than one way,
My loving you each day.
I’ve never felt so much before
this great emotion between you and me.
I know my love will never stray,
in no way will it go away,
my love will last forever.
so join your life with mine,
let’s unite our hearts,
while our souls intertwine.
we will become one,
everything will be divine,
our new life has begun!

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