Harry Potter Bridge

Harry Potter Bridge
seen in the second movie; seen in real life by me

Monday, April 21, 2008

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

A very good friend of mine is a terrific creative writer. He can take you away with a few words and paint pictures in your head. He has always given me confidence to keep up my writing. So when I was told for an English homework assignment that I had to mimic someone's style of writing, I picked his. He recently wrote a poem that each section was a period of time. Yesterday, Today, Now, and Tomorrow. Using those four, I created this version of my own poem:

Today I realized my mistake.
I live like life is forever.

Tomorrow I will change this error.
I will make it up to you.

Yesterday, I tied our hearts up and threw them away.
I hurt us both, thinking I will fix it later.

Now, I hope to live where we can still laugh and wish together.
I hope to change the way I live, starting with you.

Today, I apologized.
I made it up to you.
I vowed to cherish our love each day.

Today, I will love you more than yesterday,
But not as much as tomorrow.

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