Harry Potter Bridge

Harry Potter Bridge
seen in the second movie; seen in real life by me

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ENG 105- Pulp Fiction

my topic to watch for in this movie was Ethics. I think my favorite scene to show the ethical aspect of this was when the two characters Marsellus and Butch are capture and then Marsellus is raped by two gay men. Butch was able to get free and even though only min before he wanted to kill Marsellus, he went back and saved him from the two gay men. It was ethically write that he should try and save a man in trouble, no matter what his feelings toward the man were.

I'm not really sure how this movie fit in with the class. I really enjoyed it but in my mind I couldn't find any real educational purpose. I guess I'll find out more when I read my classmates blogs on their topics.


Cassie said...

I agree, I do not know how it fit in with class, but I really enjoyed it. I think if I knew more about Tarantinos writing and stuff I would be able to find a purpose.

Elisabeth Gawne said...

i also agree, i would love to have it explained to me why we watched this movie, although like i said in my blog, i did enjoy the break in work in the class. i think that this movie was completely ethically wrong in every way. sure there were good points to the movie, there was not a lot that shone through.

Michele Genesis said...

ha!ok along with you cassie and elli I don't know what it has to do with our class, we are working on the projects and I couln't figure out what it had to do with that.

Jacki Belknap said...

I was afraid that the purpose was not made clear... if we had time, we would have had more in depth discussions. Basically, actually watching someone go against convention and still be effective versus being told that going against convention can be effective is the best way to understand. Writing style doesn't have to make linear sense, only logical sense. Even if at times the film seemed to just be thrown together, each scene was strategically put together.